NDQA seeks to recognize quality milk producers. As producers we can get caught in the rut of the day-to-day grind. We are doing things well, but sometimes it seems no one notices. It is days like that...
After completing major chopper repairs at one dairy, a bagger needed substantial repairs a few weeks later, and the mechanical dairyman worked calmly through that issue, too. "I'll be over by 2 p.m." That's...
As the mom of kids who show dairy cattle, I love helping my kids develop into young showmen. So many important life lessons can be learned in the show ring. But as the mom who does her family’s...
Keep your cool this summer and keep those fans running. If June temperatures are anything to measure by, it looks like this summer is shaping up to be another steamy one
This isn't just my work; it's my passion. I recently saw a quote that really struck me and made me think about how lucky we are in the dairy industry. The things you are passionate about are not random,...
Youth take a "go big or go home" approach to competition. "You are betting all your points in Final Jeopardy," stated the moderator when speaking to California's Alexandra (Alex) Gambonini. The 120 points...
Thanks to his mechanical talents, this dairyman kept two first-crop alfalfa harvests on track. Near dusk on Sunday, May 22, I set out with our Hesston hay mower to cut the last field of first-crop alfalfa...
Learning more about different breeds of dairy cattle can be beneficial. I'm not colorblind, but I only see black, white, and brown on my family's dairy operation. Our 40-cow herd is made up of mostly Holsteins...
Being part of a breed association goes beyond genetic benefits to lifelong connections and friendships. Summer marks the season for barbeques, s'mores around the campfire, and family outings and vacations....
Welfare and economics must both play a role in determining how many cows fill a barn. One size does not fit all. There are many areas on the farm to which this saying readily applies. One of the most pertinent...
As caretakers of animals . . . whether farm animals or companion animals . . . we often face tough decisions. When an animal is ill or injured, it's our great responsibility to decide if we can to save...
As the competition began, door guards checked back tags, known in the dance world as competitor numbers, and made final calls for late entries. Tardiness was rarely accepted as 8,057 entries crossed...
Spend some time analyzing your most valuable group of cows those that are so problem-free you almost forget they are present. We are all intimately familiar with our top cows those special ones that outrank...
Consumers will not hear what we have to say about the dairy industry unless we take the initiative and find ways to tell them. "To the consumer, our story doesn't exist unless we tell it." Dairy farmers...
Nothing enhances learning more than a field trip. When it's June is Dairy Month, we want to tell consumers how proud we are to be dairy producers. But, not all of us are articulate or feel comfortable...
This June Dairy Month, share the steps you take to ensure a delicious and nutritious product. As we say goodbye to May and hello to June, it signals the time to celebrate June Dairy Month. Personally,...
A small study showed that selective dry cow therapy can maintain udder health while reducing antibiotic use in some cows. One topic of conversation at the Minnesota Herd Health Conference held in Bloomington,...
Are you ready to handle triplets on your farm? As farmers, we learn to always expect the unexpected. But when triplets arrive on the dairy, it is understandable to be in shock. Surprised was my reaction...
Top animal welfare expert praises animal care, impressed with newest lameness research. Temple Grandin visits Vir-Clar Farm in Fond du Lac, Wis. "I saw dairy cows who have a wonderful life today." That's...